Postcode and Address Finder
Need to find an address or a postcode in a hurry? Not a problem. Our free-to-use postcode and address finder is a great solution to anybody who needs to find a few extra details on where they’re sending to, because it only takes a few seconds to use. You get up to twenty searches per day!
What’s even better is that our postcode and address finder is equipped with Google Maps functionality, too, making finding an address in the UK or internationally as quick and easy as can be. Just click either “Find a Postcode” or “Find an Address” below and enter the required details to get started.
Search options
Just click either “Find a postcode” or “Find an address” below and enter the required details to get started.
To find or check a postcode or address, please sign in. You must register to use this service.
Help & Advice - Frequently Asked Question
Why will your system not find the postcode I am looking for?
There could be many reasons for this; here are some examples: Address details are inaccurate or spelled incorrectly. Please enter a house number OR name; not both If the postcode you are looking for is less than 6 months old it may not be in the database we use. The database is updated every 3 months but in some cases this may take longer, this is not within our control and unfortunately DPDLocal-Online cannot help with this issue. Postcode searches are for UK postcodes and Northern Ireland only. Southern Ireland does not have postal codes and other European destinations will not bring back search results on our website, even if the format is similar to that of British postcodes. If you have eliminated the above possible reasons, please email us via the contact page on the website with the details you are trying to enter and we will do our best to try and find out what the issue is.
Why are my search results bringing up addresses outside of my search area?
Your search may be too broad, try narrowing down your search to the local area you are looking for. Search results may also be affected if you add the same word in 2 fields of the search. E.g. London Rd, London. Again try narrowing down your search to an area within.
Why is address finder not bringing back any results?
It is important that postcodes are entered correctly to bring back address results. Please see below for examples of possible postcode formats: A1 2BB, A11 2BB, AA1 2BB, AA11 2BB (examples only).
What do I do if I do not have a street and/or town name?
If your address does not have a town you can enter any other area details such as the city or district in its place. You can enter roads, crescents, courts, lanes etc in place of streets. If you do not have any details for one of the fields such as the street try filling in as many of the other fields as you can accuratley and our search results should still bring up the possible postcode/addresses you are looking for.